Download signal processing apps
USB Sound Level Meter (Android)
SLM app including octave and FFT analysis (Android)
SLM app including octave and FFT analysis (iPhone)
USB Reverberation Meter (Android)
Reverberation Time Measurements (Android)
Reverberation Time measurements (iPhone)
Download signal processing documents
Impulse response measurements using MLS
Fast convolution using polynomial transforms
Design and properties of the Moriat windows
Signal Analysis formulas
Sine generator using Farey fractions
FFT for real valued signals
Resampling using a FIR filter
44.1 and 48 kHz A-weighting filter
Least square approximation
Linear programming and the Simplex algorithm
Analog and digital filter design
Sine and Sine Sweep measurements
Interpolation for sample rate change
Cubic spline interpolation
Introduction to Linear Time Invariant Systems
Reverberation time measurements
ASD 75th Anniversary Coin Challenge
Introduction to Gödel theory
Source code:
GitHub repositories
External links:
"Embedded Software for the IoT" by Klaus Elk
With an outset in the history of the Internet and the World-Wide-Web,
the author provides the foundation for understanding loT and the related terms. Modern CPU's and Operating Systems are introduced.
This leads to Best Practices in the many disciplines needed to build and maintain a Connected Embedded System.